How Matric Rewrites Work (and Why You Can Do Everything Online)

A new year brings new opportunities. While it is easy to only look at the looming struggles and hardships of any given year, we must also admit and accept that there are ways to improve ourselves and overcome these hardships. For starters, we can focus our minds on positivity and tackle any challenges head-on. Often, there is an opportunity to elevate ourselves around the corner – we just need to learn how to reach for it. Matric rewrites represent one of these opportunities and can help any prospective student get a second chance at accomplishing something great. This article explains the benefits of doing your Matric online and how final exam rewrites can help you.

The Benefits of Doing Your Matric Online

The merits of online learning (as opposed to classroom or in-person learning) have always been a topic of debate. Some argue that both children and adults who learn online have disadvantages when it comes to social abilities, while others argue that it is a superior method of learning. Both arguments have merit, but our situations often dictate how we are able to access education, be it in a physical setting or online. Elroi Academy provides comprehensive online learning for those who want to complete their Matric and study for doing rewrites.

Arguably the biggest benefit of e-learning and studying for rewrites online is that you can do it from almost anywhere. All you would need is a quiet, comfortable space, an internet connection, and a compatible device. This makes education much more accessible for most people, as internet access isn’t necessarily difficult to come by and most of the newer smart devices are capable of handling some of the advanced features required to participate in an online course. Another benefit is that you can usually complete online courses in your own time, provided you meet test and assignment requirements and deadlines. It also helps to have direct access to the internet as a primary or secondary resource for the course you are taking, as it can further enhance your understanding of the subject matter.

When You Should Enroll

By enrolling with Elroi Academy, you can complete an online course that covers all the necessary content, and which supports you in preparing for the final Matric rewrites. Everything is done online, only the final exam has to be written in person.

While the closing date for Grade 12 registrations (including rewrites) is the 15th of March, the closing date for registering to do you Matric through Elroi Academy is 28 February. Elroi Academy’s full academic programs start on the 24th of January. So, it is important to register as soon as possible to ensure you do not fall behind in your work.

For Grade 12 students who are repeating a subject and would like to only rewrite their final exam, the closing date for registrations is the 30th of April.

If you want to make this year count by achieving success in your Matric studies, then contact us now for more information to support you during your learning journey.

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