Matric Rewrites for the Class of 2021

If at first you don’t succeed, try again. The last two years (2020 – 2021) have been tough, especially for matric learners. With a global pandemic still ongoing, several hard lockdowns under the belt, and more than a few education disruptions because of these factors, it is only understandable that there are learners who struggled to make it through the school year unscathed. Even if you didn’t fail, you may have performed less than what you would usually have if the last two years were “normal” by conventional standards. That is where matric rewrites come in. You deserve to get the best possible results for the effort you put into your Grade 12 studies, so matric rewrites can help you obtain better marks and better results to secure a better future.

What are the Benefits of Matric Rewrites?

Deciding to do matric rewrites could be one of the smartest decisions you can make at the end of your matric year, especially if you have failed the year, but also if you simply want to achieve higher marks. The benefits listed below aren’t short term, and you will still reap the benefits decades from now.

· Your chances are higher of achieving good marks. Matric rewrites aren’t just for turning a failing grade into a passing grade. Whether or not you failed the first time, you will benefit from the extra study time between your final exam and your rewrite. Think of your final exam as the practice run and the rewrite as the actual, final test. Just make sure you make good use of the extra time and study with dedication and rigour until your exam day.

· You can get admission to a university. A rewrite can increase your chances of being accepted into a university, especially if your subsequent marks are sufficient to grant you admission to a degree of your choosing. The benefits of being admitted to a university and earning a higher degree are significant in their own right.

· You can increase your earning potential. Many degrees and bursaries (and jobs) have a minimum requirement for marks in a specific subject before you can be admitted. A rewrite can help you meet these requirements, which would grant you the opportunity to further your studies to eventually lead to an increase in earning potential. Even if you simply qualify for an internship programme, you will earn invaluable work experience that will open many doors in your career.

· The benefits will last you a lifetime. The sooner you attain better marks, the sooner you can go to university or apply for internships. A rewrite thus gives you a head start, which can have a profound impact on you later in life. The sooner you start working or studying, the sooner you will gain the experience and knowledge you will need to earn salary raises or to meet the application criteria for prestigious companies setting you up for a prosperous and lucrative career ahead.

The Closing Date for Matric Rewrites for the Class of 2021

The academic program for 2022 commences on 24 January and the registration period for the National Senior Certificate closes on 28 February 2022. Register as soon as possible to avoid having to wait before you can register again. The sooner you finish Grade 12 successfully, the sooner you can reap the benefits!

Contact us at Elroi Academy and get started by clicking here.

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