10 Benefits of studying at an Online school:
Have you ever considered being part of an online school? Here are some reasons why it would be a good idea to consider registering at Elroi.
10 Benefits of studying at an Online school: Read More »
Have you ever considered being part of an online school? Here are some reasons why it would be a good idea to consider registering at Elroi.
10 Benefits of studying at an Online school: Read More »
The 10x Principle: To make a success of anything worthwhile, is 10x harder than you think! Pause… read that again… and again… until you know exactly what it is saying. This seems so silly, but this simple principle has really impacted me over the last year and I have experienced the principle myself. Anything worthwhile
Anything Worth Doing is 10 Times Harder Than You Think Read More »
Die een is in Afrikaans. “En die een wat die vyf talente ontvang het, het daarmee gaan werk en vyf ander talente gewin.” (Mat 25:16) Woeker! Dis my nuwe gunsteling woord! Dit beteken “om die meeste van iets te maak”. Die man in Jesus se Gelykenis van die Talente het met die 5 talente (‘n
“Life is long, if you know how to use it.” Quote from on the shortness of life – Seneca I work with a lot of students that want to repeat Matric… actually “want to” is the wrong description, they really don’t want to, but feel they have to. They feel that they are loosing a
Life is long if you know how to use it Read More »
Did you know that your brain believes you? In this blog article I want to explain why saying “I can’t do Maths?” actually renders you unable to do Maths. The Functions of the Brain Did you know that your reasoning faculty resides in the left hemisphere of your brain and the creative faculty in the
Why you should NEVER say I can’t do Maths… Read More »